Michael Thomas Peterson will work closely with you to help you achieve your dreams.

Michael Adds Value and Expertise to any production
Song Writing
Melody & Chord Structure:
He will write a melody and chord structure that supports the vision of your song and concept.
Song Structure: Creating a song structure that includes intros, verses, pre-choruses, hooks, bridges, outros and endings.
Custom Song arrangements and beats
Choosing Instruments & Sounds: He will choose a palate of sounds and instruments that describe your unique brand and style of music.
Original Arrangements & Beats: With your input he will create original musical arrangement or beat. Custom songs you can call your own No samples or pre-recorded beats will be used.
Vocal Coaching
Sing Your Melodies with Ease: He will work closely with you on your pitch, intonation and melody. Focusing on the story telling piece and moving your listeners emotionally through your song. He will also create harmonies and counter melodies giving your song a style of its own.
Mixing and Mastering
Mixing Your Songs: Michael will mix your songs so they can compete commercially on the open market. Mastering at broadcast levels for CDs, streaming and file sharing.
"As your engineer I will take care of all the technical details for you so you can concentrate on what’s most important, your voice."
As an engineer, michael is the leader
A few of his clients

Your sound engineer
Meet Michael Thomas Peterson
Michael will ensure that the following are always set up perfectly to capture the best sound possible.
Microphone Placement - Your microphones will be set up for the best possible tones and presence.
Setting the Proper Levels - Michael will ensure that your vocals are recorded at optimum dB levels using compression and equalization so your voice can be heard.
Editing Your Vocals - We will edit and compile all of your vocal takes and tune them to meet industry standards.
Our Equipment
Slate Raven MTZ
Outboard Preamps and Compressors
Universal Audio 601B
Neve 1272
HHB Radius 4 CH
Grace 101 (2)
Peavey VMP (2)
Universal Audio 1176
Symetrix 525
Beringer 1953 T 2CH
Software Plugins
Pro Tools 2021.7
Slate Vintage Bundle
Antares Auto Tune
Kush Audio
Eventide Library
Ozone 9
Real ADT
Abbey Road
Scheps Omni Channel
Howard Bensons
Tape Machines
MTZ MS 16 1inch
Sony Dat Machine
Tascam D-88
Teac Cassette Deck
Outboard Reverbs and Delays
Lexicon PCM80
Eventide Reverb 2016
Rolland SRV 3030 Reverb
Rolland SDE Delay
Rolland SRV 3030 Reverb
Alses DM5
Programing Software
Halion 6
Slate VSX
Genelec 1030A (2) and 1092A Subwoofer
Audio Technica 4050 (2)
AKG 414
AKG C100 (2)
Sennheiser 421
Electro Voice RE20
Sennheiser MD504 (4)
Audix 6
Audix D2
Audix D4
Sure SM57 (2)
Sure SM58 (2)
Pro Tools 2021.7
Yamaha P80 Weighted Controller 88 keys
M Audio Key Station
Audix D4